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My Testimony

As my first post, I figure an overview of what I know and believe is appropriate. Over the course of my 20 years of life I have come to know my Heavenly Father through coming to know His Son, Jesus Christ. My testimony is built on two key facts. These are that God knows everything and He loves all His children, including you and me. I know these to be true. And I figure, if I know that God knows all and loves all, then I can fully put my trust in God. It is from these two facts that my testimony has sprouted.

I believe in revelation, for if God loves us, surely He would tell us of His great plan of happiness. For this cause, God sends prophets, both ancient and modern. God has always provided prophets to teach His word when there was a man worthy to hold the call and a people to listen. And if God loves His children, surely he would restore truth and light to overcome darkness. After the great apostasy, God did exactly that when in the Spring of 1820 a young boy named Joseph Smith prayed to know which church he should join. It was this prayer that began the restoration of revelation and of the Church of Jesus Christ. Joseph Smith is a true prophet of God. He helped restore the plain and precious truths of the Bible through the translation of Book of Mormon. A translation that was completed only by the gift and power of God. I know President Russel M Nelson is the prophet of God on the earth today. I have read the words of God through the prophets from the Bible, Book of Mormon, and from modern scripture and know them to be the true word of God. I know this because when I read the word of God I feel enlightened and hopeful. It expands my soul and teaches me many things about life. It is the same voice as I hear when I receive personal revelation. I know that when I apply the teachings taught by prophets, my life is greatly enriched and I receive much joy.

I believe in personal revelation, for if God loves me, surely he will guide me personally by speaking directly to me through the Holy Ghost. God has guided and spoken to me through my mind and heart as well as through priesthood blessings. He tells me what I need to hear and where I need to be to serve His ends.

I believe in temples and in covenants. In them I feel great peace and gratitude. For if God loves us, surely He would provide a path to return to Him. God has done this by revealing sacred ordinances and covenants. Yet this covenant path, the scriptures, and all that I have born testimony of would be void without Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

“For God so loved [me and you] that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” Jesus Christ is the ultimate evidence of God’s love for us, His children. He has spoken through prophets and established this church. He still stands at it’s head. It is he who paved the covenant path by walking back to the presence of the Father, sinless. He is truly our only way back to God. I know that Jesus Christ knows me personally. He knows how it felt when I got my heart broken. He knows the pain I feel when I see a friend leave the church. He knows the joy I have felt when I’ve seen my whole family in the celestial room. He knows my stresses and my worries. He knows my weaknesses and why I gave into temptation when I did. He knows and understands me perfectly and extends mercy, love, comfort, joy, forgiveness and peace to my undeserving soul. And I know He knows everyone that has ever been on Earth just as personally as He knows me. “God be thanked for the matchless gift of His Divine Son.”

This is the true church of God. There is nothing more important than the things I have written today. Jesus Christ lives and I say these things in His holy name. Amen.

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. John

    Thank you for sharing your personal testimony of Jesus Christ! Amen!

    1. Aaron

      Thanks for showing me this, John!

  2. Barbara

    I appreciate you sharing your powerful testimony and Iā€™m excited to follow. The world can always use more of just this kind of uplifting and soul expanding content. Thank you for shining your beautiful light with the world! šŸ’•

  3. Barbara

    *sharing šŸ˜Š (not shining, although you are definitely shining your light in the world)

  4. David Cullinan

    Hello Shannon!! One of my favorite reasons I love managing a small regional airport is meeting people like you! I wish you well on your journey! šŸ˜Š

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