How long would it take to listen to the whole Book of Mormon?
How long would it take to listen to the whole Bible?
I decided to spend my Saturday afternoon making a spreadsheet with the math all figured out. The times are based on the audio in the Gospel Library app with the Male voice, which reads a bit faster than the Female voice. I have found it much easier to plan how much to read based on the time it takes to listen to it rather than planning a certain number of chapters or verses because some chapters are a Moroni 5 kind of length, while others are closer to a Jacob 5 kind of length. Doing planning for how much to read is a bit easier if you go based off of the time it takes to listen, so I calculated it all out.
NOTE: This is the second time I am posting this because the first time I posted it was a bit rushed, and, after combing through the data, I found multiple mistakes that caused the totals to be quite larger than the reality. The great news is that the Old Testament is about half as long as I calculated the first time! It was ironic that the two things that I had said surprised me most about the data in the first post were the areas where there were the biggest problems. Anyway, enjoy this quick overview, or download the excel sheet with each book broken down into time length!
Standard Work | Time |
Book of Mormon | 27:51:31 |
Doctrine and Covenants | 14:19:23 |
Pearl of Great Price | 02:59:26 |
New Testament | 20:01:27 |
Old Testament | 66:12:32 |
Totals | 131:24:19 |

this is amazing i have been reading the entire standard works annually for years and i have a chart, but i have never broken it down like this. you have saved me so much time.
Hi Shannon, you are a gem! This is so helpful. A few years ago I read the BofM in a month, it was a fantastic experience. At the moment I am reading it in 2 months, finishing at the end of April. I also work with young men in our ward and many have a plan to read the BofM this year. What is helpful in your spreadsheet is to easily calculate the average length of the chapters which is 7 mins and from that we can help the young men work out how many chapters per day they need to read to finish by year’s end. Of course the easy way is to make a Study Plan in the Library and give your start end end dates.
Just one little correction – in your Totals tab in the spreadsheet the Total sum should be =SUM(B2:B6) – you had SUM(B3:B6), missing on the Pearl of Great Price.
Thank you for the correction!