Composition: Intro to Writing (ENGL 1010)
When I first started this course, I thought that I did not write very much. I also thought that I did not enjoy writing very much. The first project helped me realize that I write more than I thought. This ties in with the threshold concept about how writing is developed through sustained engagement. I have also found this to be true as I have done this writing class. I was able to realize that my writing has developed over sustained engagement. With the first project we were asked to look at a writing scenario in our life. This showed me both that I enjoy writing and that I do it quite often, especially for work. I saw as we moved through the second project my writing had improved. The second unit was harder and challenged my critical thinking more which really brought out my writing skills. The main reason that this was the case was because we were asked to look into the rhetoric of writing of another person as opposed to looking at the rhetoric I use. I know what I am thinking and therefore it is easier to analyze my own writing. We used the threshold concept that writing is a process of deliberation and that it involves identifying and enacting choices, strategies, and moves. Like I said, this was easier to do for my own writing as opposed to another author’s. Overall these threshold concepts have helped me use and enhance my writing skills develop a better pattern of writing outside of a class.
Click below to view my two main projects for this class.