Climate Change (ATMO 1020)
Reflection: How has taking this course and/or completing this project changed how I plan to consider the causes and consequences of climate change in the future?
Over the course of this class I have been able to better come to understand both the science, politics, and social sides of climate change. I have been studying aviation for three years and I enjoyed creating this video project to explain how aviation and climate change are related. Going forward, I now better understand the weather and climates that I fly around in. I have become more aware of the effect of fossil fuels and the other things that cause global warming, especially when it comes to the things that I do every day such as driving and flying. I look forward to the future when more and more companies will choose renewable energy, especially in the world of aviation. Taking this class has given me a better understanding and better perspective on what needs to be done to help slow climate change as well as the science of why and how it is happening. I enjoyed learning about the different causes of climate change and how I can mitigate the effects. One day I hope that the world will be able to make a complete switch to renewable energy and learn how to better take care of the earth that we live on.