Family and Human Studies (FHS) 2400: Marriage and Family Relationships
Over the course of taking the Marriage and Family Relationships class, I have studied many different subjects, including gender, types of relationships, sexuality, communication, parenting, and much more. This class helped me reach the SLCC learning objectives for general education. One example is how writing for this class helped me learn how to communicate more effectively. I also was able to think critically regarding the subject matter as I did the reading in the textbook and saw the topics from various points of view. One of my favorite topics we discussed was the different types of parenting. As we learned about it, I was able to think of different examples for each type of parent as well as look to the future on how I want to raise my children. I also enjoyed learning about the science of romantic relationships because it helped me put my own experiences in perspective as well as think about what I want in my relationship with my future spouse.
Throughout this class, we wrote short essays about various topics regarding marriage and family relationships. Each essay I did was inspired by a question that the teacher provided. Below are two of the topics that I used for my short essays in the class. Click on the topics below to view the essay on that topic. These questions made me consider social issues in the world around me as well as look at my personal thoughts and opinions.