Hazardous Weather (ATMO 1010)
Taking this course has prepared me for my career by helping me learn more about weather, weather charts, and methods of collecting weather data. As a commercial pilot, weather is a big part of my career. I have to check the weather every day in order to make an educated go/no-go decision when I fly. As a flight instructor, I also have to teach my students how to read weather charts as well as about weather theory. Having completed my pilot training, I already knew a lot about weather, so taking this class added to my knowledge and understanding on the topic as well as clarified some misunderstandings. The topic I learned the most from was our study of various weather charts, specifically the stuve diagram, surface prognostic charts, and constant pressure charts. Outside of my career, I have also become more aware of different weather events that happen around the world such as hurricanes, tornadoes, forest fires, and thunderstorms. This knowledge can help me decide where I want to live in the future, know how to prepare for natural disasters, and be able to discuss climate change from a more educated perspective. Below are two of my projects, click on the title to view the project. “The Aeronauts” is a review of the accuracy of the movie “The Aeronauts”. “Weather and My Major” is a video of me discussing the hazardous effects of thunderstorms for pilots.