Lifelong Wellness (HLAC 1540)
What connections have you had from what you’ve studied in this LW course with what you’ve learned from other courses you have taken at SLCC or have learned before taking this class? Make specific references to your work in this class and in other courses. How did what you learned in other courses enhance what you learned here, and vice versa?
I took a class a couple semesters ago that was about public speaking. I have found that both that course and this course have helped me work on areas that I have not had a big chance to improve in my life. Both my communications class and this lifelong wellness class have given me the opportunity to grow in my capabilities in ways that I have not done previously. For example, in my communications class I had to write and give five different speeches. Doing these speeches definitely got me out of my comfort zone. In this class for lifelong wellness I have also been getting out of my comfort zone and trying new ways of exercising and pushing myself further in rock climbing. My learning in my speech class enhanced my learning in this class because once I tried getting out of my comfort zone it became easier the next time.
Reflect on what you thought about fitness and lifelong wellness before you took this course and how you think about it now that you have completed the course. Have any of your assumptions or understandings changed? Why? What assignments/activities/readings were influential in this process? How will you approach what influenced you differently in the future?
Before I took this class, I assumed that working out is something that begins and ends at a gym. My perspective has since changed. I can now see how doing small things just in everyday life can make a big difference in overall health. I liked reading through the first module which talked about NEAT (non-exercise activity thermogenesis). What this entails is the idea that you can be lazy even if you exercise regularly if you are not doing daily movement. The problem is that some people hit the gym and that is the end of their movement for the day. Doing NEAT things such as taking the stairs, cleaning the house, parking far away from the door, etc. can help you increase overall health. My mindset of what counts as exercise has changed because now I see there’s more to living a healthy lifestyle than just working out twice per week. This makes me feel a bit better about my habits because I get a lot of NEAT in even when I cannot get a gym visit in.
Signature Assignment
Challenge: Please watch and follow along to one of the following clips on mobility the best of your ability the following . These are great before working out or anytime during the day you have some time stop and try some of the exercises. Remember to always listen to your body as you perform any movement and stop if something doesn’t feel right or causes pain.
Response: Lately I have been feeling a bit sore and like I have less mobility, especially in my thighs. I believe a lot of this is due to how much I sit down for my job and while I commute. I could really feel the stretch when I did the movements that involved this area in my body. The first movement where you walk on your heels reminded me that I do this stretch subconsciously after I have been wearing high heels. I also liked how the inchworm stretch helps movement in multiple areas. I am likely to try some of these again.